How to Create a WhatsApp Template

WhatsApp Template Creation Guidelines


You must have approved templates for WhatsApp to send one-way notifications.

Steps to Create a WhatsApp Template

  1. Access Templates:
    • Click Templates.templates - sidebar
      • Click WhatsApp Templates to view all templates created by you.


  1. Manage Existing Templates:
    • Hover over any template to preview, clone, or view the status.
    • Cloned templates can be edited and will be in Draft Status. These templates need to be saved and submitted for approval.
    • Once saved, the status changes to “draft”. You can submit for Approval and the template will be Approved or Rejected based on the content within a few hours.
  1. Create a New Template:
    • Click Create Template to open the Template Builder.
    • Define the sender number, give the template a name, and select a category from the dropdown. All fields are mandatory.
  1. Real-Time Preview:
    • A real-time preview on the right shows how the notification will look, updating as you make changes.
  1. Define Template Components:
    • Header (Optional):
      • Media Files: Choose from Image, Video, or Document to include in your notifications. Upload the media file, adhering to the specified size limit and format.
      • Location: Select a location for your location header.
      • Text Header: Use text as a header with up to one variable, defined during template usage in Campaigns or Journeys.
    • Message Body:
      • Add multiple variables to personalize your message, defined during template usage in Campaigns or Journeys.
      • Maximum character limit is 1024.
      • Follow WhatsApp approval guidelines. For more details, visit WhatsApp Message Templates Guidelines.
    • Footer (Optional):
      • Maximum character limit is 60.
    • Interactive Elements:
      • Call to Action (CTA) or Quick Reply Buttons:
        • Define button texts for both CTA and Quick Reply, visible to customers in the notification. Maximum character limit is 20.
        • Types of CTAs:
          • Visit Website: Define a URL to redirect customers to a webpage.
          • Call Phone: Define a phone number for customers to call.
    • Save and Submit:
      • Click Save to save the template. The status will be Draft.
      • Click Submit for Approval to submit the template for approval. Once approved, the template can be used in your Journeys or Campaigns.
      • Click Cancel to delete the progress made so far and not create the template.
    • Notifications
      • You can click on “Notify” in the whatsapp templates page and enter the email address to receive the intimation of the Whatsapp Templates Approval Status.