Omnichannel Marketing

Why Your Customer Targeting Strategy Needs Omnichannel Marketing

By September 1, 2022September 20th, 2022No Comments

Since an average consumer sees up to 10,000 advertisements per day, it can be challenging for brands to ensure that their company stands out amongst the crowd. Furthermore, it’s easier than ever for consumers to seek the products or services of a competitor if your brand isn’t at the forefront of their minds. 

Although marketers use customer targeting strategies to mitigate these issues, they face another challenge: unifying multiple customer targeting strategies across several platforms. Fortunately, omnichannel marketing, complete with advanced automation, can streamline your workflow and empower your customer targeting strategies for a loyal customer base that will stay with your brand for years.

The Different Types of Customer Targeting Strategies

When creating a marketing strategy for your brand, it’s beneficial to evaluate different customer targeting strategies and assess which ones will make reaching your goals easier.

  • Mass Marketing

Some marketers refer to mass marketing as undifferentiated marketing, which is precisely as the name suggests. Brands leverage mass marketing when they need to spread their message to as many people as possible. As a result, how they communicate with their audience is less personal than other marketing strategies. A common example of mass marketing includes is national television advertisements.

  • Segment Marketing

Segment marketing, also known as differentiated marketing, is when a brand connects with different groups of consumers in ways based on specific demographics. For instance, your brand may develop separate marketing campaigns for particular genders or age groups to garner an improved response. Segment marketing is a popular strategy for new brands that wish to differentiate themselves from more established brands.

  • Concentrated Marketing 

Concentrated marketing is a strategy in which brands focus on defined, narrow segments of consumers. Sometimes referred to as niche marketing, this marketing strategy enables brands to serve a particular group of consumers. Brands that successfully implement a concentrated marketing strategy can improve customer loyalty with a limited marketing budget.

  • Micromarketing 

Micromarketing strategies differ from concentrated marketing because it requires a more narrowly defined audience. This marketing strategy appeals to the needs of individuals in particular demographics. Although micromarketing is beneficial for providing consumers with their specific needs, it can be challenging for companies to obtain mass success or longevity when using this strategy.

  • Local Marketing

Brands that leverage local marketing direct their efforts towards a limited geographic area, which could be a specific neighborhood. When brands use this strategy, they can establish a solid local presence. For instance, a restaurant may cater to a single community and draw attention to its use of locally grown ingredients to strengthen its customer base.

Unifying Through Omnichannel Marketing Automation

While these customer targeting strategies are effective on their own, most brands use multiple targeting strategies simultaneously to reach their goals. In the past, marketing teams found it challenging to effectively blend these techniques into a cohesive marketing strategy. However, advanced omnichannel marketing allows brands to implement several customer targeting strategies simultaneously while ensuring that these efforts remain unified across multiple marketing channels.

Omnichannel marketing automation software enables marketers to capture customers’ unique behavior to formulate more effective marketing strategies. Marketers can leverage this data to create highly personalized marketing campaigns for specific demographics. Meanwhile, marketers can also manage data related to broad, mass marketing campaigns on a single platform.

With omnichannel marketing automation software, marketers can centralize customer communication channels in one place, including email, SMS, social media, and even chatbots. For instance, your brand may choose to create and release a mass email marketing campaign and then hone in on specific customer segments with a personalized SMS campaign. Essentially, omnichannel marketing automation allows brands to effectively unify customer targeting strategies to drive revenue while building customer loyalty and trust.

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